Ruth Callaway, RN BSN
Owner, Program Director & Certified Instructor

- Work in medical field since 1990
- RN since 2017 - Ivy Tech
- BSN 2019 - Goshen College
- Program director and instructor at Health Careers Training and Development beginning 2020
- Owner of Health Careers Training beginning January 2022
- Qualified Medication Aide instructor beginning 2021
- 20+ years experience as an aide prior to RN classes
- Experience as aide in long-term care, assisted living, home health care, hospice care and acute care
- Current Med/Surg RN @ Goshen Health
- Med/Surg Certification 2020
- 1.5 years as RN in long-term care, 2019-2020
- Passion for well -taught classes and successful learning that leads to careful, compassionate caregiving
Janet Goppert, RN
Program Director & Certified Instructor

Nursing since 1985
- long term care night shift charge nurse
- long term care unit evening shift charge nurse
- Interim Head nurse of 69 residents and 8 staff
- unit care planning and unit MDS nurse
- admission ICD-9 Coding
- Infection Control
- Safety & Emergencies
- school nursing for primary levels
- Inservice and education coordinator, teaching Certified Nurse Aides
- TB skin test validation instructor
- Owner of Health Careers Training & Development from it's beginning in Goshen in 2005, relocated to New Paris in 2008, to change of ownership in 2022. Remains a Program Director & Instructor after ownership change
- Qualified Medication Aide instructor since 2007
- Nurse consultant
Maria Peddle, LPN
Certified Instructor